The Services
Which service are you interested in?
Mindfullness Kinesiology
For what ?
We have operations resulting from adaptation programs:
biological, social, emotional and psychological from our conception and even before.
These mechanisms block us in a survival system, preventing us from realizing ourselves fully and locking us into strategies.
Necessary at the time of their implementation, they are no longer adapted to our current life . Putting us in resistance, in reaction and keeping us separated from reality.
How ?
Sentir, goûter
By putting yourself in contact with your bodily sensations , in order to make room for what presents itself and which requires to be released, such as blockages, memories, traumas.
by listening to your emotions that pass through you, so that they enlighten you and not carry you away
by decoding the discourse of your thoughts , which instead of telling their enclosing stories, put themselves at the service of intelligence and openness.
“The head thinks it knows, the heart questions itself and the body knows”
What purpose ?
Being in the presence of yourself
Mindfullness kinesiology allows you to bring into awareness what is no longer suitable for you - here & now.
By putting it into perspective, through support to observe, see, recognize the functioning for what it really is and free oneself from it.
For a conscious deprogramming of the strategies thus recognized, allowing the emergence of inner movements that connect you to your reality, your resources and your life impulses without external dependence.
For what ?
I am prevented by
Lack of self-confidence
Difficulty expressing oneself, taking one's place
Excess or absence of emotional states
Body discomfort, including chronic pain
Excessive thoughts, difficulty getting out of your head, overthinking (thought loops)
Fears, anxieties, anxieties
Permanent or sudden states of stress
Burn-out, exhaustion
Feeling of missing out on life, inability to succeed
Feeling unwell, feeling incomprehensible
Repetition of life situations, repetitive patterns
Feeling like you're missing out on your life
For who ?
Enfant avec un parent
"Whatever it is that you do, be so absorbed in it that the mind doesn't think anything, it's just there, it's just a presence and more and more wholeness will come. And the taste of wholeness will make you more more capable of being total.
Biodynamic Massage
For what ?
Débloquer la bio dynamique
We tend to cut ourselves off from our sensations and therefore from listening to our body.
Cut off from our body, there is therefore room for disruption in the circulation of energy and internal bio-dynamics which is blocked or poorly served, causing pain and a loss of liveliness.
Bio-dynamics is also linked to our emotions frozen in the body, notably through the installation of trauma, personal negligence or resulting from injunctions and/or emotional wounds which somatize in the recesses of our body.
We digest our emotions it literally does. “I can’t digest what he did to me…” – “My stomach hurts!” are just examples of the language, but they are. Stress disrupts our digestion and all the processes that result from it.
Besides, did you know that the happiness hormone serotonin is made 95% in our stomach?
So the dynamics of life can also be disrupted.
How ?
By listening
We start with a verbal listening approach based on your initial request
Then a device is placed to listen to intestinal peristalsis in the stomach "our 2nd brain" (yes, more than 100,000 neurons are there), which will emit sounds upon contact with the body.
The massage is practiced fully clothed or on the skin, using fine touch methods, the sounds emitted are followed and there is re-appropriation of the body.
We thus allow ourselves to be “touched” by the sounds emitted, depending on the areas of the body that are expressed; there is revelation that which returns to the consciousness of the intellect, now capable of digestion.
Gradually and gently, a physiological cleansing of the psychic information blocked in the bodily unconscious is carried out.
At the end of the session, I provide feedback with you on the messages decoded during your session and I invite you to let me know how you feel. Following your integration time I will call you back to discuss the result and if other aspects have emerged (15 minutes call include).
What purpose ?
Le massage bio-dynamique permet de mettre à l'écoute les messages du corps encapsulé par des microtensions qui se logent un peu partout.
Le massage permet par l'émission de sons mettant en lumière les zones somatisées, et par le passage de messages à la intellect qui va conscientiser ce qui a besoin d'être entendu pour être libéré, intégré.
Par cette méthode psycho-corporelle, il est fait une reconnexion des faisceaux d'énergie de vie en reliant la tête et le corps. Puis permet à de nouveaux élans de circuler en orientant l'énergie dans la bonne bio-dynamique.
Il se peut que l'origine des empêchements de circuler se trouve dans certains schémas ancrés depuis l'enfance, ou soit issus de plusieurs sources de traumatismes subit ou que l'on s'est imposés.
Ce retour à un contact corporel peut ouvrir la porte à une vraie délivrance. Effectivement, en se rendant compte de la puissance des sons qui reflète l'importance de donner une importance aux messages corporels.
For what ?
To listen to
Lack of energy
Sleeping troubles
Back pain
Digestion or defection problems
Chronic fatigue
Loss of desire
Lack of motivation
Lack of self-confidence
Sexuality issues
Fears, anxieties, anxieties
Physical discomforts
Compulsive eating disorders
For who ?
AdolescenX dès 14 ans
“If you listen to your body when it whispers, you won’t have to hear it scream.”
Tibetan wisdom
Energy session
For what ?
Circulate, connect
Energy is everywhere in us and around us.
In our body, energy is as much physical/physiological as our organs and muscles need energy to function, through food, through sleep, through physical activity and breathing. It is also neuro-chemical through electro-chemical transmissions through our nervous systems (sympathetic and parasympathetic and finally lymphatic (neurotransmitter, nerve impulses, lymphs).
As for the influx of our thoughts , in our brain, the synapses are stimulated by nerve impulses and we actually only know 10% of our capabilities scientifically in this incredible organ. Our thoughts are materialized in the creation of new synapses if we change our habits.
The rest of the more subtle energies are those in less visible bodies even if science has recognized the meridians. The rest of the body is surrounded by magnetic waves and fields.
The environment around us can influence our energy, both the places and the people around us, most often unconsciously and sometimes intentionally.
Our energy is precious and sometimes it is necessary for our proper functioning both internally and externally.
How ?
Vibratoirement vôtre
Je discute avec vous de votre problématique et je vous explique ce que je sens comme approprié au regard de ce que vous avez évoqué.
Ensuite je pratique plusieurs méthodes que je teste généralement en radiesthésie ou par ressentis corporels de validation.
En fonction de la méthode, en présence physique à l'Espace, je pratique le magnétisme couplé à la radiesthésie, parfois aux vibrations sonores, les mouvements corporels et vocales, durant la séance je peux vous interpeller sur les histoires que votre corps me rapportent. La séance est en interaction directe ou parfois en silence tout dépend de ce qui est nécessaire.
A distance, j'utilise mes sentis, la radiesthésie et j'effectue le retour par appel téléphonique ou visio en fonction de votre besoin.
En fin de séance, je vous invite à me faire par de votre ressenti global et nous convenons d'un rendez-vous après votre temps d'intégration pour un appel pour discuter de ce qui a suivi et ou émerger pour vous (maximum 15 min).
What purpose ?
Let yourself cross
Energy balancing allows you to regain comfort, fluidity, and beneficial connections for yourself.
We have a personal impact on our energy, for this we must be aware of it and feel it to protect ourselves, adapt what surrounds us and take measures not to be impacted.
However in reality, it is not always immediately innate, we can feel the need to be helped and accompanied to understand the energy which passes through us in an inadequate way which prevents what must pass through fluidly.
We are often stimulated by energies of opposition or attraction, expansion and repulsion to find resources within ourselves and give us access to a part of evolution. Energy seeks to find balance within us and around us.
It is when we are no longer in harmony that the energy diffuses too much or not enough, gets blocked or diffuses outside.
The goal is on the one hand to be in one's own energy and to become aware of what has unbalanced it in order to take the necessary measures, or sometimes simply to get help to feel better.
During a session or during a workshop to acquire the ability to feel for yourself.
For what ?
The whats
Too full of energy (exhaustion)
Lack of energy (apathy)
Sleeping troubles
Chronic fatigue
Loss of desires, desire, joy
Need for excessive or absent physical expenditure
Too many thoughts, overthinking
Lack of self-confidence
Feeling of emptiness or heaviness
Sexuality problem
Fears, anxieties, anxieties
Body discomfort
Digestion problems
For who ?
Child including infant
"Everything is energy, and that is all there is to understand in life. Align yourself with the frequency of the reality you desire and that reality will manifest. It cannot be otherwise. This "It's not philosophy. It's physics." "
Albert Einstein
- 250 euros